"Portfolio builder"  Shoot with Hector’s Images Photography IG @hectors.images

This shoot will create "Vouge" like fashion images to be used for social media and self promotion by creative team. 

Mood board below


Friday, October 4 call time TBD 


Meet in lobby
The shoot will be outdoors within short walking distance of the Hilton.

Model will do her own makeup

Model will style own wardrobe and bring looks inspired by mood board below


12:45 Hector preps for shoot
100 Model arrives for styling
200 shoot time on location (1st look Fall Fashion)
230 Break/Makeup & Hair touch-up/ wardrobe
300 shoot time on location (2nd look Urban/Edgey)
330 Break/Makeup & Hair touch-up/ wardrobe 
400 shoot time on location (3rd look Model's choice)
430 Wrap up and Image review

Special Instructions for HMUA
1st look-  Daytime glam. Eyeshadow the compliments models eyes. Eyelashes. Pink lip (not matte). Hair down and flowy
2nd look- Touchups only. Hair model's choice
3rd look- Touchups only. Hair model's choice

Special Instructions for Stylist
1st look- Fashion forward or urban looks. Can include separates, skirts heels or boots
2nd look- Urban/Edgey looks. Can include leather pieces, baggy jeans chunkey boots etc
3rd look- Model's choice

Please bring wardrobe on hangers to avoid excessive wrinkling

Include accessories ie rings, bracelets, necklaces etc.

Special Instructions for Model(s)

Model will bring basic model bag that includes:
- touch up makeup kit
- nude & black undergarments (Include tube top or similar for off the shoulder looks and/or body shaping if required)
- brush/comb
- baby wipes
- phone charger
- snacks & bottled water.

Include a variety shoes appropriate for styles shown here i.e. heels (no wedges). Bring flats to walk between locations.
Nails clear or freshly painted and coordinated with wardrobe. Be prepared to have bare feet in the images. 

Moodboard (images not mine, for inspiration only)- Click to enlarge
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